CloudOps blog

Posts by Steve Rastall (Founder & CEO):

From Analytics to Action: AWS Cost Monitoring for Business Success

From Analytics to Action: AWS Cost Monitoring for Business Success

In this blog, we explore the role of AWS cost monitoring, exploring how businesses can leverage analytics to drive actionable insights and achieve sustainable financial savings. Additionally, we'll highlight how CloudOps' cloud management software, with its direct connection to AWS APIs for live cost data, can be a game-changer in this dynamic environment.

From Frustration to Optimization: Getting the Right DataDog Help

From Frustration to Optimization: Getting the Right DataDog Help

Datadog stands out as a market leader with a powerful tool that empowers businesses to gain valuable insights into their systems. However, implementing and optimising Datadog can sometimes be a challenging journey, leading many to frustration. The key to turning that frustration into optimisation lies in getting the right Datadog help.

In this blog post, we'll explore the journey from frustration to finding the right Datadog help, and why IG CloudOps is well-positioned to provide the expert assistance you need for AWS & Azure infrastructure.

Save on your Azure Bills: Practical Steps for Azure Cost Analysis

Save on your Azure Bills: Practical Steps for Azure Cost Analysis

Your infrastructure costs in the Azure cloud can make or break your department's budget. As an ISV with infrastructure scaling on demand budgeting and analysing your Azure costs is even more important. It can be the difference between making or losing money. 

Efficient Azure cost analysis can help you identify areas of improvement, optimise spending, and ultimately save on your Azure bills. In this blog post, we'll explore practical steps you can take to ensure cost-effectiveness in your Azure environment.

Navigating Datadog Support: A Trusted Partner Makes The Difference

Navigating Datadog Support: A Trusted Partner Makes The Difference

In today's digital age, where businesses rely heavily on cloud services to run their operations efficiently, monitoring and managing these cloud resources have become paramount. This is where Datadog, a cloud monitoring and analytics platform, comes into play.

In this blog post, we'll explore what Datadog is, its role in the cloud, and how a Datadog partner like IG CloudOps can make a significant difference in optimizing your cloud environment.

AWS & Azure Monitoring: Zabbix Consultants for Cloud Optimisation

AWS & Azure Monitoring: Zabbix Consultants for Cloud Optimisation

If you use Amazon Web Services (AWS) or Microsoft Azure to power your operations, IG CloudOps can help you. While these cloud platforms offer unprecedented scalability and flexibility, they also introduce new complexities in terms of resource management, cost optimisation, and ensuring the highest levels of performance.

This is where Zabbix consultants with AWS and Azure expertise come into play, offering a unique blend of skills that can contribute significantly to efficient cloud resource management.