CloudOps blog

Reducing your AWS spend: Top AWS Management Tools You have never heard of

Reducing your AWS spend: Top AWS Management Tools You have never heard of

Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers an array of powerful cloud services that can revolutionise your business operations. However, as you scale your infrastructure, AWS costs can escalate quickly, leading to unexpected and substantial expenses. To maintain financial efficiency without compromising performance, businesses need to optimise their AWS spending.

Why Wouldn't You Consider an Open-Source New Relic Alternative?

Why Wouldn't You Consider an Open-Source New Relic Alternative?

New Relic has long been a popular choice for many businesses seeking application performance monitoring (APM) solutions. However, open-source alternatives have been gaining traction, providing compelling reasons to consider them.

In this blog, we explore the advantages of opting for an open-source driven New Relic alternative, breaking free from licence constraints and embracing a new paradigm of software monitoring.